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Simple & Effective 

Your game is the last one, go too 43:22! 

- Don't take the comments in the vid personal lol

very very good and hard

Loved this one! Incredibly well done. The chaotic nature of tracking enemies and ammo is a great balance; had a blast!

Very fun game wish there was endless mode tho...

Played through the whole game and it was so much fun! just hard enough for me to keep trying but not to hard that I would rage quit. Awesome game🔥

Anyway, my full playthrough of the game.
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I have completed Last Stand. It was fun. You need to predict the enemies and the bullets. Find the safest space to stand. Save two bullets and shoot twice when fewer enemies are around you. 

Very fun game! Managed to beat all the levels. I guess there are times it can be RNG, and some levels can wall you still easily. But overall, it is amazing as always! Amazing work, you two!

Great fun!

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Wow, this reminds me of another game that has the this kind of style, very same vibe but much more difficult. And wow, few levels, I'm kind of hooked in on it!

EDIT: ohhh... I see now why. welp kudos to them, no wonder why I remembered another game.

Why? What was the game?


Oh, true. They are similar indeed

(2 edits)

I really adored this game! I loved the simplistic art and the beautiful backgrounds. The music and sound effects were nice and crisp. The idea and mechanics were so simple yet so unique. Every time a new twist on the mechanics came in, I would gasp in amazement. Overall a real neat package of a game. 

All the complaints I could have about this game is due to personal skill issues. I only got to the purple playing card area before my lack of skill caught up to me. I kept getting the "switch rails" and "shoot" buttons confused because they are Z and X but, as of typing this comment, I can now see those controls can be changed. 

Truly amazing work and I may come back to see if I can be a real pro gamer!

EDIT: I just remembered this hours after leaving this comment. At one point in the game, it randomly played a snippet of the Mario Bros theme before it slowly faded out. I thought it might have been another tab but there was no sound playing out of any other ones. I just thought that was funny, whether it was from this game or not.