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Very cool.

Incredible how much energy and chaos you wrung out of such a small screen space. This manages to feel really fresh in a well-covered genre. Great job.

clearly fun so good WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This thing looks so incredible. Those big chunky sprites are so crisp! And the colors are perfect - idk how you landed on this palette, but I feel like I'm 4 in 1999 again. It's playful and nostalgic and sleek and retro-futurist. I love it.

This looks like a single-screen game mock-up you would see from a pixel artist on Twitter and think, "there is no way a game in motion would actually look like this." And you totally pulled it off.

Game is fun too, but I am bad lol.

thank you for the kind words! the palette is just the CGA palette! Originally the concept was just a single screen mockup lol so you're spot on with that point :)

tasty type game

Super fun!

Really great little shmup. Love the overall presenatation and gamefeel. The enemy variety was also cool as well

My only real complaint is that I wish that the super attack charged a little faster tbh. As it stands it charged too slow to the point that I hardly used it

Maybe putting it on another button would've been better imo, but either way, great stuff 

Holy moly this is so fun to play!! Packed to the brim with that classic sirmilkman juice, I’m having a blast playing! So much attention to detail in every little animation, this game is a delight to behold.
